Sunday, November 12, 2006

Oh, My Aching Crotch

I've spent most of the last two days installing a ridge vent on the peak of my roof. This involves removing the top row of shingles, cutting away any tar paper from the peak, using a circular saw to cut an opening through the sheathing on both sides of the peak, nailing the sections of ridge vent into place, and then nailing new cap shingles on top of the vent. On houses with gently sloping roofs, it's probably not a difficult project, just time consuming. But my roof slopes pretty hard, and the only way to really work up there is to straddle the peak, crotch directly atop it and legs extended on either side. I suppose it's a little like riding a horse.

It wasn't horrible at first, just a little uncomfortable. But by the time I finished today after hours upon hours perched up there, in the cold, squeezing my legs against roof to keep from sliding down one side or the other, I'm feeling a great deal of pain in areas generally not exposed to such things. At least not since the time in elementary school when my friend jumped off the other end of the teeter-totter we were on.

Have I mentioned that my crotch really hurts?


At 11:01 AM, Blogger MommaMissy said...

Hey Chad,
Sorry about your crotch. Glad to see you've joined the blogging empire. I look forward to reading more!

At 4:31 PM, Blogger Chadley said...

Hey Missy! On behalf of my crotch, I thank you for the sympathy. I'm enjoying the blogging thing so far. I'll be checkin up on your blog, too. Cheers!

At 4:27 PM, Blogger Strats said...

More posts please! SLACKER!


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