Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Cart Before the Horse

So, the new band played it's first show the other night. It went pretty well except for one thing: I was sick as a freakin' dog. This was not how I'd imagined the evening. Rock stars don't get sick before the show! The play the show and then party like, well, rock stars afterward, leaving a trail of destruction, chaos, and women's undergarments in their path. They don't hurl at in the studio bathroom before even packing up their gear! Damn!

The night before the show I came down with some sort of viral thing. It was like a microscopic Martha Stewart on meth: cleaning house with a vengeance. It was unpleasant to say the least. Other nifty symptoms included a severe headache and moderate fever. I was feeling my worst about the time the show rolled around, but I was determined to play. And I did, and the guys covered for me whenever possible, and I think we put on a good show. I even managed to enjoy myself, but there were a few times up there on stage when I felt like I was having an out-of-body experience. I was sweating like a freak and wasn't 100% on top of my game. But like I said, we played and the many super-cool people who came out to support us (you know who you are, and I cannot thank you enough--do not underestimate how huge it was to have you there) made us feel like real live rock stars. But when it was over and the gear was packed back up in the truck, I was drained and painfully sober.

Maybe this is what rock and roll is like when you're old. Ron Wood isn't loaded, he's just got a sinus infection. Wow.


At 11:04 AM, Blogger MommaMissy said...

I knew you weren't feeling 100% but I didn't know you felt that bad! Sorry the first gig wasn't all that it could have been for you. You guys definitely rocked so it will be fun to see you when you're not puking out your guts!


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